With Collaborative Efforts World Peace is Possible

Michael Paton
4 min readMay 17, 2018

With the latest occurrences in the world, the future of humanity is simultaneously hopeful and melancholy. With the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula — an end to roughly 60 years of instability — it ought to be a time for celebration. This being said, we should not fool ourselves into thinking that this newfound peace is guaranteed to last. It will take continuous efforts from all of us humans to ensure this momentous moment in history lasts from beyond its mere announcement to propel us into a new era of personal and collective fortune… Better that than a cursed epoch of Earthly existence.

So, how do we ensure this peace lasts..? That the resounding sound of a cease to violence in the world continues to ring in the ears of us on this Earth, and beyond it as we explore the cosmos? It starts with each other. With love and kindness for our neighbours, our friends, our family, and — equally importantly — for strangers. When everyone feels welcomed, divisiveness ceases to hold power over us, to increase our fears when we should instead be opening our hearts.

The world is a beautiful place, and humanity has the opportunity to bring beauty in the individual and collective love we endow — and the order to chaos we instil — within our global society. We are all ‘Global Citizens,’ and have a duty to make our future world a brighter place… through the actions we take now and in the future present. If every one of those actions was for the greater good, with the intent to help humanity and the world we live in (rather than hinder it), it would only make sense that the outcome would be net positive. Just as when many bright minds focus on solving a problem, the likelihood is increased that a successful solution will present itself as a result of the passion and dedication put towards it. This should hold true in humanity’s aim to reach the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals.

While it might seem like a challenge, the reality is that we are closer now than ever before to a time of abundance and peace the likes of which the world has never seen. There should be no hunger. There should be no poverty. There should be better education. There should be access to clean water and sanitation, shelter and internet access, and a way to access the internet. More sustainable infrastructure. Life on land. Life below water. Sustainable energy… And beyond. These are not impossible targets.

These are all achievable and realistic goals if we collectively focus our passion and persistence towards achieving them. So… the question now is how? How can we all focus on achieving these goals? Beyond being kind to one another, surely there ought to be a way to fast-track the betterment of humanity, you might wonder? It is for these reasons that the UN Global Goals were created in the first place. And it is through partnerships for the goals that we can begin to usher forth the sweeping tide of beneficial progress into reality. From current aspiring partnerships to that of existing ones, it’s a collective effort. Competition is a good thing (for it spurs innovation).

The time is nigh. Ready for the world to transform. Ready for our species self-imposed evolution to speed-set to max turbo.

We’re All Just People
Living on a Watery Marble
With Land Poking through the Surface
Like Rocky Mountains in Intervals

With the advances of late, humanity is now ready to venture beyond this watery marble.

• • •

To humans, time is but an illusory ornament we use to define our sentient blink in the cosmic eye. In the epoch of human consciousness, there are many great strides of innovation, yet many misguided steps of human ambition. To venture forward is to heed the warnings of history. As a species, we must always look forward, whilst keeping our past in the rearview mirror. It is this way that we can propel ourselves onward and upward to become a space-fairing civilization. We have always existed to persist the pursuit of the unknown — from crossing the uncharted waters of Earths oceans to walking on the moon and exploring the vastness of our solar system… And those beyond its wake with Kepler and beyond…

We have always sought to ponder and wander and sonder about our existence and the universal question of “Y?” Why are we here..? On this planet what caused life to come into being? What allowed humans to reach the pinnacle of scientific and technological mastery..? And why is it still in its infancy? Why 50 years after landing on the moon do we still fail to have extra-planetary origins in the form of human occupants on Mars… And beyond? If we are to set our sights on extraordinary things, then extraordinary results are bound to follow (just as many of the rhetorical questions poised already have answers, from the unknown to an ancient virus that allowed consciousness, to our species evolution, to the length of the cosmic timespan and our species still within the throws of its origins, to a lack of interest (and therefore funding), but ‘the times, they are a changing’).

Peace and prosperity the world over — and heightened Interconnectedness — are not just future possibilities… With the right cumulative efforts, they’re imminent realities.



Michael Paton

Founder & CEO of YawLife (+ LifeCoin)! Space Exploration Enthusiast, Amateur Composer, Cocktail Vlogger, Gamer, Writer. Working to help humanity and the world.